Offering products and services available to purchase and pick-up for Staff and Students

of the Faculty of Arts and Education, School of Architecture & Planning and Design Programme at the University of Auckland.


Elam School of Fine Arts Staff and Students of the Faculty of Arts and Education only
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Product Overview

ODDBOD is a smooth viscosity, long lasting addition curing silicone rubber designed for lifecasting. ODDBOD is applied directly to the skin to make moulds of the hands, face or other body parts and sets at room temperature. ODDBOD is suitable for most casting materials. Pinkysil oddbod is a skin safe silicone.

The mould will produce extremely fine detail which will be duplicated in the casting process

  • Smooth mix with extreme detail duplication

  • Unique self-releasing properties from skin

  • Multiple casts from the mould

  • Colour indicator for mixing

  • Convenient equal part 1:1 ratio

  • Low slump, fast sure silicone moulding rubber

You can purchase up to 200gms. If you wish to buy more, half the amount and then select 2 from the quantity (i.e. 300gms, select 150gms and change quantity to 2).

If you are uncertain if this is the correct product you want, please go and discuss or view before purchasing.
Collection is from Casting Workshop, Level 1, 20 Whitaker Place (Mondrian building).