Product Overview
This is to provide Elam School of Fine Arts students Presentation quality inkjet digital print outputs.
Please visit the Elam Print Room with your file on a Mac formatted USB or Hard-drive.
Your file needs to be setup in RGB Colour Mode, at 100% size with a Resolution as close to 300 as possible.
The file format must be either a PSD, PDF or TIFF.
Elam Print Room is located at Elam School of Fine Arts Building 433, Level 3, Room 301 on 20 Whittaker Place, Auckland 1010.
The opening hours are Tuesday & Thursdays 1pm to 4pm.
Dimensions for print sizes:
A2 is 420mm x 594mm
- A1 is 594mm x 841mm
A0 is 841mm x 1188mm
If you have any queries in relation to this please contact the Technician Amanda Wright on